[ 11goals ] - Interview with Fatma Sakar (SC Sand)

Dear Fatma,
1. What 3 things fascinate you about football?
- the emotions caused by a victory or defeat.
- the cohesion that develops within the team, but also with the fans.
- the memories that you will never forget.
2. Your best football moment so far?
My best football moment was in October 2013 - my first international match for the U15 national team against Scotland.
Another very special moment for me was being in the final of the U19 European Championship ( in July 2018) .
3. What do you think is the key to being happy?
I think in order to be happy you should also learn to appreciate the little things in life.
4. What motivates you or how do you motivate yourself?
With a positive mindset, I want to achieve my milestones day after day in order to get closer to the big goal.
5. You are currently involved in a youth football project. Would you like to tell us about it?
Bastian Kalaica, a close friend, is the U9 coach in his home country. At the end of last year he wanted to surprise his boys and girls with Christmas presents. However, due to the fact that the team was unable to generate any income on match days due to the pandemic (e.g. through cake sales), the team's coffers remained empty. This is how the project came about: “PROFIS FOR YOUTH” (Instagram: @profis_fur_die_jugend). It was his idea to collect jerseys from professionals and auction them off for a good cause in order to use the proceeds to give the children joy with gifts. Because of my reach in women's football, he asked me for help and I was excited about the idea. Through suggestions from our followers or ourselves, youth teams are randomly selected and supported, among other things, with sports clothing for the entire team. In the meantime, we have not only been able to support Basti's team, but have also been able to give youth teams across Germany a little joy.
6. What personal goals do you have for yourself and for SC Sand?
Since I moved to Sand from the second division, my personal goal is to develop into a seasoned Bundesliga player. With SC Sand, the goal for this year is clearly to stay in the league.
7. Your life motto?
“If you stop wanting to be better, you stop being good.”
8. Does women's football deserve more recognition? What would have to change? (Compared to other countries; Spain, England, France)
In my opinion, you can see that women's football is slowly gaining more recognition. A good step in the right direction, for example, would be to broadcast all Bundesliga games and promote women's football even more.
9. If you could change one thing in football: what would it be?
...that people stop comparing men's football with women's football.
10. If it were up to you, what song would be playing in the locker room before games?
Just before going out, for the goosebumps moment; Two Steps From Hell - Heart Of Courage
11. Your life without football would be...
I can't imagine life without football :)
Thank you Fatma! All the best to you and the SC Sand. Stay healthy!
[ Photo credits | SC Sand]